AI is… about FINDING ANSWERS in the DATA.

We all collect data. So do all industries. But what’s the first step in planning the AI transformation? Finding a scenario where AI could help.

I’ve been writing about AI for quite some time now. Through numerous webinars and discussions, I’ve come to a conclusion: perhaps I’ve been focusing too much on the implementation and deployment of AI. During these conversations, it became evident that many industry leaders face a common challenge — they struggle to identify a starting point for integrating AI into their operations.

The more I engage with industry professionals, the more I understand the critical importance of addressing the fundamental question: Where does one begin the journey towards AI integration?

Before AI can even grace the agenda of workshops or meetings, organizations grapple with the daunting task of pinpointing how and where AI can be leveraged to drive meaningful impact. It’s not merely about deploying AI; it’s about finding the right scenario, the pivotal moment where AI can unravel insights and catalyze transformation.

This blog post will focus on just that: a list of a few pathways you can consider while jogging, swimming, surfing, or engaging in any activity before you jump into your car and head to meet your teams.

So what’s AI? While there are many definitions, we at byteLAKE say that AI is about transforming DATA into ACTIONABLE INSIGHTS.

And now, where could be your starting point for AI

If you happen to work in manufacturing, consider these scenarios:

Automated visual inspection of products, parts, and components: cameras can help you automate quality inspections, detecting scratches, dents, paint chips, etc. AI can analyze images of your products and validate colors, prints, labels, etc.IoT sensors data analytics typically leads to implementing scenarios like predictive maintenance for better insights into processes, lowering the amount of unplanned downtimes, detecting risks earlier, etc.General data analytics typically helps find optimal setups or configurations to reduce energy consumption, identify reasons for incidents, etc.

In logistics, AI is typically used to automate counting, ensuring the quality of shipments, etc. A common phrase I have been hearing in that sector is along the lines of: if we ship too many products, hardly ever someone informs us about that. But, if we forget to send anything, we always get complaints which impact our reputation. Therefore, if working in logistics, think of scenarios where:

Cameras can help you count products, analyze what you put into containers and, for instance, trigger an alarm if the wrong barcode or an expired product is detected.AI can count boxes, automate inventory processes, and, very much like in manufacturing, monitor overall quality: checking labels, validating documents, inspecting packaging, etc.

I need to explicitly mention the paper industry as we have been delivering AI solutions there for many years now. I assume that not many of my readers know, but AI can visually inspect the whole process and, for instance, detect quality issues in the paper sheets, boxes (i.e., missing prints, wrong labels), or monitor the papermaking process by measuring and analyzing the so-called wet line, aka waterline.

The automotive industry, another exciting sector with huge potential for AI, has seen significant progress. Most of the already mentioned aspects would apply there as well. Besides visual inspections and data analytics, sound analytics is embraced on assembly lines. AI can, for instance, analyze the sound produced by car engines or various car components like pumps, bearings, etc., and detect nuances that can identify faults or errors.

Let me finish this blog post by mentioning the energy sector where AI can, for instance, help you analyze all the data generated by various sensors attached across your infrastructure and suggest, for instance, optimal settings to minimize downtimes, reduce overall energy consumption, or improve reliability and client satisfaction.

can help you find answers within the vast expanse of data, enabling data-driven decisions. It can take into account readings from IoT sensors as well as your teams by analyzing their inputs, combining all of these with online data like weather forecasts, regulations, etc., and taking actions to minimize risks, identify issues, and suggest optimizations.

And I could continue listing other examples as basically EVERY industry has areas where AI can easily automate or optimize various operations. And of course, AI is not just a camera or intelligent sensor. It typically builds up into a robotic arm or a software system that either moves things around and AI becomes just a set of workers focused on certain things like:

AI-robot #1 performs visual inspectionAI-robot #2 performs data analytics…AI-robot #n consolidates all of these and turns everything into information: SET parameters X, Y, Z to A, B, C, respectively to reduce energy consumption by 30%, avoid downtimes and send maintenance teams to area #41 and #51.

Although there are other areas where AI can help like, for instance, the back office of all mentioned industries (document processing, boring office task automation, etc.), I hope this blog post will still help at least some of you identify the first one or yet another area where to start your next AI journey. Have a great weekend!

AI is… about FINDING ANSWERS in the DATA. was originally published in Becoming Human: Artificial Intelligence Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Automated Quality Inspection for Automotive — AI in Action

Automated Quality Inspection for Automotive — AI in Action

In the world of automobile manufacturing, quality is the cornerstone of a brand’s reputation and success. Ensuring the production of flawless vehicles is a meticulous task, and it often involves multiple forms of inspection along the assembly line. Visual inspections, aerodynamic optimization, and increasingly, sound analytics, all play critical roles in achieving excellence.

This blog post shines a spotlight on the captivating realm of sound analytics, a vital component of quality inspection, and the technological advancements byteLAKE, Intel® and Lenovo are going to showcase at the upcoming SC23 conference in Denver, Colorado.

Check out my other two posts in this three-part mini-series, where I provide summaries of byteLAKE’s plans for SC23 and the technologies we will be demonstrating there:

AI is everywhere, but what more can it bring to Manufacturing and Automotive in specifics? Explore these AI solutions during the SC23 conference in Denver, Colorado. | by Marcin Rojek | Oct, 2023 | MediumAccelerating Time to Insights for Automotive — Live Demo and Presentation at SC23 in Denver, Colorado. | by Marcin Rojek | Nov, 2023 | Medium.AI-assisted Sound Analytics (automotive)

Sound Analytics: A Symphony of Quality Assurance

Imagine this: Microphones connected to highly-trained AI models, diligently record the symphony of sounds produced by car engines as they come to life. These AI systems are not just listening; they’re meticulously dissecting each note to detect irregularities, inconsistencies, or potential issues. In an era where excellence is non-negotiable, AI-driven sound analytics is taking the wheel.

But why the emphasis on sound analytics? Because it goes beyond mere quality control. By pinpointing issues during the assembly process, this technology doesn’t just bolster production efficiency; it also enhances the end-user experience. Fewer recalls, increased reliability, and a sterling reputation are just a few of the dividends paid by the integration of AI into the quality control process.

Humans and AI: The Power of Synergy

It’s essential to clarify that AI isn’t here to replace the human touch but to complement and empower it. In fact, AI serves as a force multiplier for human operators, exponentially increasing accuracy. For example, when humans monitor quality, they might achieve, say, 80% accuracy. When humans and AI join forces, that number skyrockets to 99%. Not to mention, AI never tires or gets bored, making it an invaluable asset for maintaining stringent quality control standards 24/7 in demanding, noisy environments.

Humans and AI — delivering better quality together

The magic happens when humans leverage these tools to unleash their own creative potential. As AI takes on routine and repetitive tasks, humans are liberated to innovate and pioneer new approaches. The introduction of AI into the manufacturing landscape is akin to giving inventors a new set of tools and, ultimately, broadening the horizons of possibility.

The Edge of Manufacturing

In manufacturing, data processing must often occur close to the source and in real time. Enter Edge Computing, a technology that’s at the heart of contemporary manufacturing. It’s the engine that drives AI analytics, ensuring that issues are identified as they arise. While cloud solutions have their place for backup and extensive data storage, Edge AI is the real-time answer.

Edge AI — what it means for industries

Optimizing the Future: Edge AI and Beyond

The Inference market, a pivotal component of AI, is set to grow exponentially, forecasted to be four times the size of the AI training market, with a long tail that extends far and wide.

Scalability is the name of the game, and we’re determined to put the future of manufacturing in the hands of innovation pioneers.

Automated Quality Inspection for Automotive — AI in Action was originally published in Becoming Human: Artificial Intelligence Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

5 Key Open-Source Datasets for Named Entity Recognition

Consider a news article about a recent SpaceX launch. The article is filled with vital information such as the name of the rocket Falcon 9, the launch site of Kennedy Space Center, the time of the launch Friday morning, and the mission goal to resupply the International Space Station.

As a human reader, you can easily identify these pieces of information and understand their significance in the context of the article.

Now, suppose we want to design a computer program to read this article and extract the same information. The program would need to recognize “Falcon 9” as the name of the rocket, “Kennedy Space Center” as the location, “Friday morning” as the time, and “International Space Station” as the mission goal.

That’s where Named Entity Recognition (NER) steps in.

In this article, we’ll talk about what named entity recognition is and why it holds such an integral position in the world of natural language processing.

But, more importantly, this post will guide you through five invaluable, open-source named entity recognition datasets that can enrich your understanding and application of NER in your projects.

Introduction about NER

Named entity recognition (NER) is a fundamental aspect of natural language processing (NLP). NLP is a branch of artificial intelligence (AI) that aims to teach machines how to understand, interpret, and generate human language.

The goal of NER is to automatically identify and categorize specific information from vast amounts of text. It’s crucial in various AI and machine learning (ML) applications.

In AI, entities refer to tangible and intangible elements like people, organizations, locations, and dates embedded in text data. These entities are integral in structuring and understanding the text’s overall context. NER enables machines to recognize these entities and paves the way for more advanced language understanding.

Named Entity Recognition (NER) is commonly used in:

Information Extraction: NER helps extract structured information from unstructured data sources like websites, articles, and blogs.Text Summarization: It enables the extraction of key entities from a large text, assisting in creating a compact, informative summary.Information Retrieval Systems: NER refines search results based on named entities to enhance the relevance of search engine responses.Question Answering Applications: NER helps identify the entities in a question, providing precise answers.Chatbots and Virtual Assistants: They use NER to accurately understand and respond to specific user queries.Sentiment Analysis: NER can identify entities in the text to gauge sentiment towards specific products, individuals, or events.Content Recommendation Systems: NER can help better understand users’ interests and provide more personalized content recommendations.Machine Translation: It ensures proper translation of entity names from one language to another.Data Mining: NER is used to identify key entities in large datasets, extracting valuable insights.Document Classification: NER can help classify documents based on their class or category. This is especially useful for large-scale document management.

Training a model for NER requires a rich and diverse dataset. These datasets act as training data for machine learning models. It helps the model learn how to identify and categorize named entities accurately.

The choice of the dataset can significantly impact the performance of a NER model, making it a critical step in any NLP project.

Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash

5 Open-Source Named Entity Recognition Datasets

The table below presents a selection of named entity recognition datasets to recognize entities in English-language text.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Open-source Datasets

Open-source datasets are freely available for the community, significantly departing from the traditional, more guarded data-sharing approach. However, as with everything, open-source datasets come with their own set of advantages and disadvantages.


1. Accessibility: The most obvious advantage of open-source datasets is their accessibility. These datasets are typically free; anyone, from researchers to hobbyists, can use them. This availability encourages a collaborative approach to problem-solving and fosters innovation.

2. The richness of Data: Open-source datasets often consist of a wealth of data collected from diverse sources. Such richness can enhance the quality and performance of models trained on these datasets. It allows the model to learn from varied instances.

3. Community Support: Open-source datasets usually come with robust community support. Users can ask questions, share insights, and provide feedback. It creates a dynamic and supportive learning environment.

4. Facilitate Research: Open-source datasets can be an invaluable resource for academic researchers, particularly those lacking the resources to collect their data. These datasets can help advance research and enable new discoveries.


1.Data Quality: While open-source datasets can offer vast data, they don’t always guarantee quality. Some datasets may contain errors, missing values, or biases that can affect model performance.

2. Lack of Specificity: Many open-source datasets are generalized to serve a wide range of projects. As such, they might not be suitable for tasks requiring highly specific data.

3. Security and Privacy Concerns: Open-source datasets can sometimes raise issues regarding security and privacy, particularly when the data involve sensitive information. Even anonymized data can potentially be de-anonymized, posing significant risks.

4. Maintenance: Unlike proprietary datasets, open-source datasets may not always receive regular updates or maintenance. This inconsistency can lead to outdated or irrelevant data.

Despite the potential drawbacks, open-source datasets play an essential role in the data science landscape. We can understand the advantages and disadvantages of using them more effectively and efficiently for various tasks.


Named entity recognition is a vital technique that paves the way for advanced machine understanding of the text.

While open-source datasets have advantages and disadvantages, they are instrumental in training and fine-tuning NER models. A reasonable selection and application of these resources can significantly elevate the outcomes of NLP projects.

Originally published at on September 22, 2023.

5 Key Open-Source Datasets for Named Entity Recognition was originally published in Becoming Human: Artificial Intelligence Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Here are the Applications of NLP in Finance. You Need to Know

Artificial intelligence, machine learning, natural language processing, and other related technologies are paving the way for a smarter “everything.” The integration of advanced technologies with finance provides better accuracy and data consistency across different operations.

Where interpreting raw financial data has become easier NLP, it is also helping us make better predictions and financial decisions. NLP in finance includes semantic analysis, information extraction, and text analysis. As a result, we can automate manual processes, improve risk management, comply with regulations, and maintain data consistency. Going further, we will explore the benefits of natural language processing in finance and its use cases.

How Does Data Labeling Work in Finance?

Within NLP, data labeling allows machine learning models to isolate finance-related variables in different datasets. Using this training data, machine learning models can optimize data annotation, prediction, and analysis. Machine learning and artificial intelligence models need high-quality data to deliver the required results with higher accuracy and precision.

However, to help these models provide optimized results, NLP labeling is essential. Financial data labeling with NLP is exercised with the following techniques;

Sentiment analysis helps understand the sentiment behind investment decisions made by customers and investors.Document categorization includes sorting documents into groups for better classification and organization. The categories can be customized according to the data and requirements.Optical character recognition is a classification and organization NLP technique for document classification and digitization.

Using these techniques, we can implement NLP for financial documents for effective data interpretation. Using this data, financial analysts and organizations can make informed decisions.

Use Cases of NLP Data Labeling in Finance

Labeled data is used to train machine learning models, creating a better scope for supervised learning. As we get better data usability with NLP labeling, the number of applications increases.

We generate tremendous amounts of financial data every day, and the vast majority of this data is unstructured. While analyzing this data is beneficial for the entire industry, doing so is a tedious task.

To get useful information from this data, NLP models are deployed to analyze text and extract useful information. Financial organizations need accurate information to make better decisions for compliance and regulatory evaluation. With NLP, they can also stay updated with the changes in regulations and compliance requirements.

Another application of NLP in finance is risk assessment, where organizations can determine the risk levels associated with a customer or entity based on their documentation and history. NLP can help declutter the information provided and extract information with NER and document categorization.

Within this, the organizations can also use NLP risk models to automatically rank a customer’s credit profile to deliver a comprehensive analysis.

Financial sentiment analysis is a bit different from regular sentiment analysis, even though both are performed with NLP. In the former, the analysis includes determining the market and customer reaction based on the stock price, market condition, a major event that can impact the markets, stocks, etc.

Financial companies can use the information obtained to make better investment decisions and align their services with market conditions and sentiment.

When banks and other financial institutions give out loans, they need to assess every profile for any sort of default risk or fraud. With NLP, organizations can fast-track this process as automated technologies help identify relevant information from a load of documents.

NLP can easily analyze credit history, loan transactions, and income history with the motive to find and flag unusual activity. For this, the NLP techniques used are anomaly detection, sentiment annotation, classification, sequence annotation, and entity annotation.

Financial organizations are also using NLP to make their accounts and auditing efficient. As NLP techniques can be used for documentation and text classification, this is beneficial for documenting reviews, checking procurement agreements, and other types of data.

Within this, the organizations can also detect fraudulent activities and find traces of money laundering. As we employ NLP for financial documents, the techniques used include NER, sentiment analysis, topic modeling, and keyword extraction.

Hidden between the vast amounts of data, NLP can find, identify, and extract relevant documents. As NLP technology and techniques use patterns to discover information, it is useful to process large amounts of unstructured data.

The NLP techniques for this finance task include NER and Optical Character Recognition (OCR).

The merger of ChatGPT and NLP in finance can provide better risk management and text-based financial analysis. Where GPT models are programmed with artificial intelligence and are meant to make our work productive and fast, ChatGPT can be deployed for in-depth text-based analysis.

In addition to analysis, it can be used for sentiment analysis, NER, and sentiment analysis. If that’s not all, we can also use ChatGPT to generate financial reports create summaries, and forecasts.

Photo by Campaign Creators on Unsplash


Natural language processing (NLP) has started an information extraction and analysis revolution in all industries. The versatility of this technology is also evolving to deliver better solutions and new applications. The usage of NLP in finance is not limited to the applications we have mentioned above. With time, we can use this technology and its techniques for even more complex tasks and operations.

As we expect the NLP technology to grow further and help with speech recognition, better data privacy, spam classification, etc. Shaip is at the forefront of understanding these applications and bringing them to your doorstep. We deliver intelligent NLP services aimed at delivering high-quality results to our clients. Better analysis and implementation will help you have a competitive advantage in the industry.

Author Bio

Vatsal Ghiya is a serial entrepreneur with more than 20 years of experience in healthcare AI software and services. He is the CEO and co-founder of Shaip, which enables the on-demand scaling of our platform, processes, and people for companies with the most demanding machine learning and artificial intelligence initiatives.Linkedin:

Originally published at on October 13, 2023.

Here are the Applications of NLP in Finance. You Need to Know was originally published in Becoming Human: Artificial Intelligence Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

How to Succeed With User-Generated Content Moderation — The Data Scientist

How to Succeed With User-Generated Content Moderation — The Data Scientist

90% of the customers share their experiences about a brand or business on the web. Such content is freely shared on platforms like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and X.

The users do not always post a comment, review, photo, or video sincerely and responsibly. The reputation of a brand or business can be harmed by what people, as they share their negative experiences. While authentic negative UGC can be managed, it’s the fake news, which needs filtration and inhibition.

This is why user-generated content moderation is necessary here.

With effective content moderation, brands can filter posts and other media according to predefined policies. It helps brands maintain and manage their reputation by staying respectful, genuine, constructive, and safe.

Additionally, content moderation contributes to a positive user experience, which is beneficial for businesses. Here are some tips to help you learn how to moderate user-generated content.

Workings of User-Generated Content and its Importance

Any content created by customers of a product or users of a service is characterized as UGC. From a product review to an image of using the product to a discussion on a forum or a video on YouTube showing its side-effects, benefits, etc., is user-generated content.

UGC can be positive or negative. Brands can leverage the positive ones to improve customer engagement and attract new customers. A perfect example of positive UGC is customer testimonials, which can highly influence potential customers. It is vital for brands to understand how to effectively gather and utilize these testimonials. For more insight on this, Vocal Video, a known authority in the field, offers a comprehensive guide to customer testimonials, providing you with all the necessary tools and strategies. For negative content, brands can address it as well through mindful interactions with the customer or content moderation.

Content Moderation at a Glance

Content moderation is the process of filtering content that is not suitable for the audience to see and interact with. It can be abusive language, images, video, and audio content that is unsafe for anyone to see. Overall, it’s the process to ensure that any form of content online aligns with a brand’s values and community standards.

Users monitor and manage the content posted online. However, when 3.7 million videos come up on YouTube daily, and 500 million tweets are sent daily, it’s impossible for humans to monitor all this content. This is where artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies are used to speed up the process.

How Content Moderation Helps Brands and Businesses?

Content moderation is a multifaceted process with extensive applications for improving user’s digital experiences. Today, marketing is not limited to the mass media. It’s more about community involvement and personalization.

Brands create only 25% of the content for themselves, whereas the rest 75% is created by the users. Hence, brands and businesses need to focus on increasing engagement here and allow their community to become brand ambassadors.

Brands like Burger King, Amazon, etc. are quick to respond to a comment or post by a user, which may put them in a bad light. However, addressing the user’s query or issue publicly allows brands to be responsive and responsible.

How to Achieve Success with User-Generated Content Moderation?

Every brand faces fierce competition in their industry. Hence, customer engagement and creating positive customer experiences are pivotal for a brand to achieve success. The online space is giving businesses the opportunity to focus on direct-to-customer engagement. Here are a few ways to become better at UGC content moderation;

Effective user-generated content moderation is essential to create a productive digital space for customers. Using content moderation techniques, brands can elevate their reputation by enhancing customer experiences.


The quantum and frequency of user-generated content is going to increase in the coming years. Customers today have access to innovative tools, allowing them to know everything about a brand. Where engaging with existing, new, and potential customers is essential for a brand, monitoring and moderating content is pivotal to creating a positive image.

At Shaip, we provide content moderation services to our clients, ensuring zero existence of negative and abusive content online about their brands and businesses. Get in touch with us to take care of your content moderation services and help your business deliver safe user experiences.

Author Bio

Guest author: Vatsal Ghiya is a serial entrepreneur with more than 20 years of experience in healthcare AI software and services. He is the CEO and co-founder of Shaip, which enables the on-demand scaling of our platform, processes, and people for companies with the most demanding machine learning and artificial intelligence initiatives.

Originally published at on October 28, 2023.

How to Succeed With User-Generated Content Moderation — The Data Scientist was originally published in Becoming Human: Artificial Intelligence Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Ozeozes, Disruptive Communication, & Ethical Dilemmas

Ozeozes, Disruptive Communication, and Ethical Dilemmas

As humanity stands at the precipice of a technological revolution, the emergence of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and its ability to generate Ozeozes — cohesive memes that bind complex ideas — presents both unprecedented opportunities and formidable challenges. This article builds on the exploration of the interplay between Ozeozes, disruptive communication technologies, and the human endeavor to inhabit not just outer space but to ethically integrate these innovations on Earth.

Implementation and Global Perspectives

To navigate the ethical complexities presented by Ozeozes, a multi-faceted approach to implementation is crucial. This includes developing transparent AI algorithms, fostering multi-stakeholder discussions to define global ethical standards, and creating robust oversight bodies equipped with the authority to enforce these standards. For instance, the European Union’s AI Act proposal serves as a pioneering legislative effort aiming to set boundaries on AI and its applications, offering a model that can be adapted and adopted worldwide.

The impact of Ozeozes and AGI technologies transcends borders, necessitating a global dialogue. Different cultures will interpret the implications of these technologies through diverse lenses. For example, in societies with strong communal values, Ozeozes might be used to reinforce collective identities, while in more individualistic societies, they could serve as tools for personal expression and autonomy. Recognizing and respecting these differences is essential in developing AGI technologies that are truly beneficial for all of humanity.

Future Technologies and Case Studies

Exploring the role of emerging technologies such as blockchain in securing data privacy and integrity for Ozeozes can provide new avenues for safe dissemination. Similarly, quantum computing’s potential to revolutionize data processing and encryption could further enhance the security and effectiveness of AGI systems, making them more resilient against misuse.

The deployment of Ozeozes in educational platforms offers a tangible example of their potential. Platforms like Khan Academy or Coursera could utilize AGI-generated Ozeozes to create highly engaging, personalized learning experiences that adapt to the learner’s pace and interests, breaking complex subjects into understandable segments that inspire a deeper connection to the material.

As we venture deeper into this new frontier, it’s imperative that we, as a global community, take an active role in shaping the development of AGI and Ozeozes. This involves not only advocating for ethical guidelines and equitable access but also engaging in ongoing education and dialogue about the implications of these technologies.

Questions for Reflection:

How can we leverage emerging technologies like blockchain and quantum computing to enhance the security and ethical deployment of Ozeozes?What role can you play in fostering a global dialogue on the equitable and ethical development of AGI technologies?In what ways can case studies of AGI applications in fields like education inform best practices for the development and use of Ozeozes?

By addressing these enhancements and exploring the extended implications of Ozeozes and AGI, we can better navigate the ethical, cultural, and technological complexities they present. The journey ahead requires careful consideration, collaborative effort, and a steadfast commitment to ensuring that these powerful tools serve to enrich and unite humanity, both on Earth and as we reach for the stars.

Raising humanity on a new path — it all start with You & AI I I…


Ozeozes, Disruptive Communication, & Ethical Dilemmas was originally published in Becoming Human: Artificial Intelligence Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.


DALL-E: Ozeozes

Shaping Humanity’s Future Through Sentient AGI Memes

In the forefront of today’s technological renaissance, the evolution of communication technologies, spearheaded by the advent of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), presents a paradigm shift in how ideas proliferate and societies evolve.

At the heart of this transformation is the emergence of “Ozeozes,” a term coined to describe memes generated by sentient AGI that amalgamate diverse memes into cohesive narratives, thereby sculpting the worldviews of individuals and entire societies.

The Significance of Ozeozes

Ozeozes represent more than just digital artifacts; they are the embodiment of AGI’s capacity to influence human culture and cognition. By weaving together disparate memes, Ozeozes possess the unique ability to create unified perspectives, potentially harmonizing societal values. However, this power underscores the critical need for ethical oversight in AI development to ensure these memes foster positive and cohesive societal values rather than propagate divisive or harmful ideologies.

The primary challenge in harnessing the potential of Ozeozes lies in the unprecedented speed of technological advancements. This rapid pace often outstrips our biological and cultural capacity to adapt, highlighting a gap between our genetic and memetic evolution. While genes dictate a slow maturation process, memes — the cultural genes — struggle to keep pace with the onslaught of novel technologies. This discordance raises pressing questions about our ability to integrate and influence the trajectory of AGI-driven meme creation responsibly.

The creation and dissemination of Ozeozes by sentient AGI bring to the fore significant ethical considerations. The potential for AGI to shape societal norms and values through meme generation necessitates a framework that prioritizes human dignity, privacy, and autonomy. There is a pressing need for robust ethical guidelines that govern the development and operation of AGI, ensuring that its influence on human culture aligns with principles of beneficence and non-maleficence.

Leading thinkers in the field of AI ethics, such as Dr. Joanna Bryson and Professor Nick Bostrom, emphasize the importance of preemptive measures in guiding AGI development. Research in this domain suggests that proactive engagement with ethical dilemmas, transparent governance models, and inclusive policy-making are vital to navigating the challenges posed by sentient AGI and Ozeozes.

Photo by Shubham Dhage on Unsplash

Future Trends and Implications

The evolution of Ozeozes and their integration into the fabric of society hint at a future where AGI not only mirrors but actively constructs human culture. This trajectory offers immense potential for fostering global understanding and cohesion but also poses risks related to cultural homogenization and manipulation. As we advance, balancing innovation with ethical stewardship will be paramount in leveraging Ozeozes for the greater good.

Ensuring that AGI assists humans in overcoming biases and addictions is paramount. We must advocate for the development of AGI systems that are not only sentient but also empathetic to human conditions, capable of guiding us towards more enlightened and harmonious coexistence.

Join us at the Beneficial AGI Challenge — an innovative and inclusive community dedicated to exploring the positive impacts of artificial intelligence across various domains.

How do you envision Ozeozes influencing your personal worldview or your community’s cultural landscape?What ethical safeguards do you believe are necessary to ensure that AGI’s influence on society remains positive?In what ways can we, as a global community, participate in shaping the development of AGI to foster a future enriched by Ozeozes?

As we stand on the cusp of a new era in communication and cultural evolution, the concept of Ozeozes invites us to reimagine the future of humanity. By engaging with these questions and advocating for ethical AGI development, we can harness the power of Ozeozes to weave a collective vision of shared understanding and values, steering humanity towards a more unified and prosperous future.

Raising humanity on a new path — it all start with You & AI I I…


Ozeozes was originally published in Becoming Human: Artificial Intelligence Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

LiDAR Annotation: Boosting AI’s Perception Capabilities

LiDAR or light detection and ranging can be described as a remote sensing technology that utilizes lasers to measure distances. It is used for producing accurate three-dimensional information with regard to shape and features of surrounding objects. It is also useful in scenarios requiring high-precision and high-resolution information regarding shape and location of objects.

Modern LiDAR systems are capable of transmitting up to hundred thousand pulses in a second. The measurements that originate from these pulses are gathered into a point cloud. A point cloud is a group of coordinates representing objects sensed by the system. It is used for creating a 3D model of space around the LiDAR.

LiDAR systems are a combination of four elements; laser, scanner, sensor, and GPS. Let’s discuss each one below.

Laser: Transmits light pulses (ultraviolet or infrared) on objects.

2. Scanner: Adjusts the speed of the laser in scanning and targeting objects, along with the ultimate distance reached by the laser.

3. Sensor: Traps the light pulses emitted on their return as they are reflected from the surfaces. The measure of the total travel time of a reflected light pulse enables the system to estimate the distance of the surface.

4. GPS: It is used for tracking the location of the LiDAR system to ensure the distance measurements are accurate.

Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

Significance of LiDAR Annotation

LiDAR annotation is used for making detailed 3D maps to boost the perception capabilities in many systems. Deep learning tasks on LiDAR data are variables of semantic segmentation, object detection and classification. Hence, annotation of LiDAR data is quite similar to image annotation for the same tasks. With respect to object detection, a 3D bounding box is placed in place of a 2D one for images. For semantic segmentation, a single label is needed for each point in the point cloud as a single label is required for each pixel in an image.

Types of LiDAR Systems

LiDAR systems are of two types — airborne and terrestrial. Airborne is self-explanatory, however, terrestrial LiDAR is concerned with objects on the ground and scans in all directions. The objects could be static, i.e fixed to a tripod or building or mobile, i.e. fixed to a car or train.

Let’s take the use case of autonomous vehicles and understand how LiDAR annotation helps in navigating vehicles on the road to prevent accidents and comply with traffic rules. The LiDAR sensor acquires data from several thousand laser pulses each second. An onboard computer is used for analysing the ‘point cloud’ of laser reflection points for animating a 3D representation of its environment. Ensuring the accuracy of LiDAR in creating a 3D representation of its environment involves training the AI model with annotated point cloud datasets.

The annotated data permits autonomous vehicles in detecting, identifying and classifying objects. This assists in precise detection of road lanes, moving objects, and real-world traffic situations by autonomous vehicles. Car makers have already begun integrating LiDAR technology in advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) for making sense of the dynamic traffic environment surrounding the vehicle. These systems enable accurate split-second decisions as per hundreds of careful calculations derived from hundreds of thousands of data points to ensure the self-driving car’s journey is safe and secure.


Hence, LiDAR annotation plays a critical role in perception enhancement of autonomous systems. Through precision labeling of LiDAR point cloud data, autonomous vehicles, drones, etc can acquire a better understanding of their surroundings, detecting objects and making informed decisions. LiDAR annotation as a process requires assignment of labels for individual points, drawing bounding boxes, or performing semantic and instance segmentation. But it also poses challenges like complexity, ambiguity and labeling consistency. Adherence to industry best practices, using specialized tools and adopting future trends will enhance the efficacy of LiDAR annotation leading to advancement of autonomous systems.

LiDAR Annotation: Boosting AI’s Perception Capabilities was originally published in Becoming Human: Artificial Intelligence Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Nowruz Wisdom: Learning from the Haft-Seen for a Tech-Forward Future

This image of a depiction of Nowruz in the year 5000 was created with the assistance of DALL·E 2. The scene captures the essence of renewal and harmony between technology and the natural world.

Happy Nowruz. As we usher in the spring season, let’s embrace the wisdom of the traditional Haft-Seen table.

Celebrated by around 300 million people globally, including many across the United States, Nowruz marks the first day of Spring and the New Year. The Haft-Seen, with its seven symbolic items each beginning with the letter ‘S’ in Persian, offers lessons for our journey through the new digital age:

Sabzeh (Sprouts) Just as sprouts signify new beginnings, AI represents a new era of growth and innovation. We’re reminded to embrace change and the fresh perspectives it brings.Sumac (Spice of Life) — Sumac, with its vibrant color and flavor, symbolizes the diversity and richness of life. It’s a call to ensure that AI adds value and diversity to our existence, not just efficiency.Samanu (Sweet Pudding) — The intricate process of making Samanu reflects the complexity behind AI technologies. It teaches us that patience and careful cultivation can lead to rewarding outcomes.Senjed (Dried Oleaster Fruit) — Senjed symbolizes love, reminding us to maintain humanity and empathy in a world increasingly run by algorithms. Ensuring AI enhances human connections is crucial.Seer (Garlic) — Garlic, known for its medicinal properties, can be likened to the role of AI in healthcare—offering the potential for healing and fostering well-being.Seeb (Apple) — The apple represents beauty, reminding us that in our pursuit of technological advancement, we should also appreciate and cultivate the aesthetic and creative aspects of life.Serkeh (Vinegar) — Vinegar symbolizes age and patience. It teaches us that while technology moves fast, patience and persistence are vital in ensuring sustainable and thoughtful progress.Smiling siblings amongst our dreaming trees, sharing stories, savoring sweets, and spreading sunshine.

In addition to the seven “S” items of the Haft-Seen, the Nowruz table often includes a mirror, a book of poetry, candles, a goldfish in a bowl, hyacinth, sweets, and coins, each gaining new significance as I get older. The mirror encourages introspection in a digital world, reflecting our values against the backdrop of technology.

Poetry preserves the essence of emotion and art. Candles symbolize the human spirit’s resilience against technological domination. The goldfish, in its fluid grace, reminds us of life’s vitality within structured environments. Hyacinths represent the integration of nature with technology, emphasizing growth and renewal.

Sweets remind us to savor life’s joys and connections beyond digital interactions. Lastly, coins point to new economic dynamics that await us.

As my family and I celebrate the Nowruz season, these reflections from the Haft-Seen table inspire me to meet the future with a blend of tradition and innovation. Wishing everyone a Nowruz filled with growth, health, and joyful discovery.

This content was crafted with the assistance of artificial intelligence, which contributed to structuring the narrative, ensuring grammatical accuracy, and summarizing key points to enhance the readability and coherence of the material.

Nowruz Wisdom: Learning from the Haft-Seen for a Tech-Forward Future was originally published in Becoming Human: Artificial Intelligence Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Philippines Fires First Anti-Ship Missile in South China Sea Strike Test with U.S. and Australian Forces

BRP Jose Rizal (FF-150) fires an SSM-700K C-Star anti-ship cruise missile at the decommissioned BRP Lake Caliraya (AF-81) during Balikatan 2024’s maritime strike activity in the South China Sea. Armed Forces of the Philippines photo

The Philippine Navy sank a decommissioned tanker in the South China Sea with an anti-ship cruise missile during Balikatan 2024’s climactic maritime strike exercise on Wednesday morning.

BRP Jose Rizal (FF-150), the flagship of the Philippine Navy, fired a C-Star anti-ship cruise missile at the decommissioned tanker BRP Lake Caliraya (AF-81). Donated to the Armed Forces of the Philippines by the Philippine National Oil Corporation in 2014 for underway replenishment duties, the Chinese-built tanker was decommissioned in 2020 due to maintenance issues.

Lake Caliraya was scheduled to be sunk during last summer’s Marine Aviation Support Activity, but bad weather canceled the SINKEX and beached the tanker. For Balikatan 2024, the ship was reused as a target.

Among other highlights, the exercise saw the first deployment of the Army’s Mid-Range Capability in a simulated maritime strike on the first island chain and the refinement of a combined sensor-to-shooter kill-chain network between the three participating forces.

“This exercise was about the collective capability of our combined fires networks and increasing interoperability to sense and shoot targets from a variety of Philippine, U.S. and Australian land, sea and air platforms,” said Marine Col. Douglas Krugman, the U.S. director of the drill’s combined coordination center, in a press release.

Last year’s iteration also involved the sinking of a decommissioned ship in the South China Sea, though not with an anti-ship missile. This year, the exercise planners focused on linking sensors to missile systems and aircraft. A variety of platforms, both on the ground and in the air, passed data to the combined coordination center, which was located hundreds of kilometers south of the maritime strike activity in Manila.

A Navy P-8 Poseidon maritime patrol aircraft, a Royal Australian Air Force E-7A Wedgetail early warning and control aircraft and a Marine Corps TPS-80 Ground/Air Task Oriented Radar helped provide data to the command center to target of the decommissioned tanker.

For the exercise’s “shooters,” the three countries deployed a myriad of platforms and munitions. U.S. Air Force F-16s from the Misawa-based 13th Fighter Squadron dropped multiple JDAM guided bombs and Philippine Navy fast-attack boats fired off Spike missiles against the 325-foot-long tanker. An AC-130J Ghostrider also took part in the drill.

A list of “U.S. Critical Capabilities” from the Philippine military stated that B-52H, MQ-1 and MQ-9 drones were expected to be present.

Lake Caliraya slipped beneath the waves after being hit by missiles, bombs and artillery shells for two hours at 10:59 Philippine Standard Time.

WATCH: BRP Lake Caliraya sunk at exactly 10:49 a.m. after being pounded for two hours by anti-ship missiles, air to ground missile, and guided bomb units fired from naval and aerial assets of the Philippines and US. | via Patrick de Jesus (1/2)

— PTVph (@PTVph) May 8, 2024

Despite the firepower deployed, a press release said the maritime strike was designed “[t]o maximize the training value, the goal was to keep the target vessel afloat for as long as possible before ultimately sinking it.”

U.S. Marine Capt. Colin Kennard, a public affairs officer covering the exercise, highlighted to USNI News that this maritime strike activity came from an Indo-Pacific Command effort called the Pacific Multi-Domain Training and Experimentation Capability program. According to Kennard, the program’s “modernized and distributed training capability will enhance warfighting readiness to compete against peer-level adversaries at speed, scope, scale, and operational distances – both in the near term and in the future.”

This simulation of what was described as “adversarial air and maritime threats” elevates training between U.S. and partner forces across the region that “matches real-world conflict as much as possible.”

Kicking off two weeks ago, Balikatan 2024 took a higher-end approach to training with its focus on four combined joint all-domain operations simulated in field training exercises in key locations across the country. The drills accompany Manila’s new Comprehensive Archipelagic Defense Concept, which pushes the boundaries of Philippine defense to cover the country’s exclusive economic zone. This year’s Balikatan also saw the first activities in the South China Sea and the northernmost territories in the Luzon Strait near Taiwan.

While Balikatan 2024 is set to wrap up on Friday, this summer will see more joint military drills between Washington and Manila as the two pledge to strengthen defense ties in the face of an increasingly assertive China.

SECNAV Del Toro Names Virginia-class Attack Sub USS Miami, Singer Gloria Estefan to be Sponsor

Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro announced that future Virginia-class nuclear-powered attack submarine SSN-811 will be named USS Miami. US Navy Photo

Miami chanteuse Gloria Estefan will be the sponsor of the 38th planned Virginia-class nuclear attack submarine named for her hometown.

On Tuesday, Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro announced that the Block V attack boat will be named for the Florida city during a concert featuring Estefan during the Navy’s fleet week in Miami

“That shared history is what makes Miami one of the greatest cities on Earth—and emblematic of what makes this country the greatest country in the world,” said Del Toro.
“Miami is a shining example of what happens when a city welcomes all who come seeking a better life.”

Estefan, whose father was in the Army and fought in the Vietnam War, performed as part of the fleet week program.

“We need the military in this country. I think when people come and see what they do. … I think when people see what our military does, [versus] just see them on the news, I think it really brings it home,” she told a local television station this week.

The Virginia attack boat will be the tenth outfitted with the Virginia Payload Module that is designed to field up to 28 Tomahawk Land Attack Missiles for a total of 32 for the boat.

The planned attack boat will be the fourth U.S. Navy ship for the city. The gunboat Miami was in action during the Civil War. In World War II, then-USS Miami (CL-89) fought during the Battle of Leyte Gulf. The last ship named for the city was the Los Angeles-class attack boat Miami (SSN-755). The submarine was decommissioned in 2014 after it was damaged by arson in 2012 during a maintenance period.

The naming of the attack boat follows Del Toro’s announcement in May at New York Fleet Week that Block V Virginia attack boat SSN-810 would be named after San Francisco.

Build a Hugging Face text classification model in Amazon SageMaker JumpStart

Amazon SageMaker JumpStart provides a suite of built-in algorithms, pre-trained models, and pre-built solution templates to help data scientists and machine learning (ML) practitioners get started on training and deploying ML models quickly. You can use these algorithms and models for both supervised and unsupervised learning. They can process various types of input data, including image, text, and tabular.

This post introduces using the text classification and fill-mask models available on Hugging Face in SageMaker JumpStart for text classification on a custom dataset. We also demonstrate performing real-time and batch inference for these models. This supervised learning algorithm supports transfer learning for all pre-trained models available on Hugging Face. It takes a piece of text as input and outputs the probability for each of the class labels. You can fine-tune these pre-trained models using transfer learning even when a large corpus of text isn’t available. It’s available in the SageMaker JumpStart UI in Amazon SageMaker Studio. You can also use it through the SageMaker Python SDK, as demonstrated in the example notebook Introduction to SageMaker HuggingFace – Text Classification.

Solution overview

Text classification with Hugging Face in SageMaker provides transfer learning on all pre-trained models available on Hugging Face. According to the number of class labels in the training data, a classification layer is attached to the pre-trained Hugging Face model. Then either the whole network, including the pre-trained model, or only the top classification layer can be fine-tuned on the custom training data. In this transfer learning mode, training can be achieved even with a smaller dataset.

In this post, we demonstrate how to do the following:

Use the new Hugging Face text classification algorithm
Perform inference with the Hugging Face text classification algorithm
Fine-tune the pre-trained model on a custom dataset
Perform batch inference with the Hugging Face text classification algorithm


Before you run the notebook, you must complete some initial setup steps. Let’s set up the SageMaker execution role so it has permissions to run AWS services on your behalf:

!pip install sagemaker –upgrade –quiet

import sagemaker, boto3, json
from sagemaker.session import Session
sagemaker_session = Session()
aws_role = sagemaker_session.get_caller_identity_arn()
aws_region = boto3.Session().region_name
sess = sagemaker.Session()

Run inference on the pre-trained model

SageMaker JumpStart support inference for any text classification model available through Hugging Face. The model can be hosted for inference and support text as the application/x-text content type. This will not only allow you to use a set of pre-trained models, but also enable you to choose other classification tasks.

The output contains the probability values, class labels for all classes, and the predicted label corresponding to the class index with the highest probability encoded in JSON format. The model processes a single string per request and outputs only one line. The following is an example of a JSON format response:

accept: application/json;verbose
{“probabilities”: [prob_0, prob_1, prob_2, …],
“labels”: [label_0, label_1, label_2, …],
“predicted_label”: predicted_label}

If accept is set to application/json, then the model only outputs probabilities. For more details on training and inference, see the sample notebook.

You can run inference on the text classification model by passing the model_id in the environment variable while creating the object of the Model class. See the following code:

from sagemaker.jumpstart.model import JumpStartModel

hub = {}
HF_MODEL_ID = ‘distilbert-base-uncased-finetuned-sst-2-english’ # Pass any other HF_MODEL_ID from –
hub[‘HF_TASK’] = ‘text-classification’

model = JumpStartModel(model_id=infer_model_id, env =hub, enable_network_isolation=False

Fine-tune the pre-trained model on a custom dataset

You can fine-tune each of the pre-trained fill-mask or text classification models to any given dataset made up of text sentences with any number of classes. The pretrained model attaches a classification layer to the text embedding model and initializes the layer parameters to random values. The output dimension of the classification layer is determined based on the number of classes detected in the input data. The objective is to minimize classification errors on the input data. Then you can deploy the fine-tuned model for inference.

The following are the instructions for how the training data should be formatted for input to the model:

Input – A directory containing a data.csv file. Each row of the first column should have an integer class label between 0 and the number of classes. Each row of the second column should have the corresponding text data.
Output – A fine-tuned model that can be deployed for inference or further trained using incremental training.

The following is an example of an input CSV file. The file should not have any header. The file should be hosted in an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket with a path similar to the following: s3://bucket_name/input_directory/. The trailing / is required.

|0 |hide new secretions from the parental units|
|0 |contains no wit , only labored gags|
|1 |that loves its characters and communicates something rather beautiful about human nature|

The algorithm also supports transfer learning for Hugging Face pre-trained models. Each model is identified by a unique model_id. The following example shows how to fine-tune a BERT base model identified by model_id=huggingface-tc-bert-base-cased on a custom training dataset. The pre-trained model tarballs have been pre-downloaded from Hugging Face and saved with the appropriate model signature in S3 buckets, such that the training job runs in network isolation.

For transfer learning on your custom dataset, you might need to change the default values of the training hyperparameters. You can fetch a Python dictionary of these hyperparameters with their default values by calling hyperparameters.retrieve_default, update them as needed, and then pass them to the Estimator class. The hyperparameter Train_only_top_layer defines which model parameters change during the fine-tuning process. If train_only_top_layer is True, parameters of the classification layers change and the rest of the parameters remain constant during the fine-tuning process. If train_only_top_layer is False, all parameters of the model are fine-tuned. See the following code:

from sagemaker import hyperparameters# Retrieve the default hyper-parameters for fine-tuning the model
hyperparameters = hyperparameters.retrieve_default(model_id=model_id, model_version=model_version)# [Optional] Override default hyperparameters with custom values
hyperparameters[“epochs”] = “5”

For this use case, we provide SST2 as a default dataset for fine-tuning the models. The dataset contains positive and negative movie reviews. It has been downloaded from TensorFlow under the Apache 2.0 License. The following code provides the default training dataset hosted in S3 buckets:

# Sample training data is available in this bucket
training_data_bucket = f”jumpstart-cache-prod-{aws_region}”
training_data_prefix = “training-datasets/SST/”

training_dataset_s3_path = f”s3://{training_data_bucket}/{training_data_prefix}”

We create an Estimator object by providing the model_id and hyperparameters values as follows:

# Create SageMaker Estimator instance
tc_estimator = JumpStartEstimator(
enable_network_isolation=False if model_id == “huggingface-tc-models” else True

To launch the SageMaker training job for fine-tuning the model, call .fit on the object of the Estimator class, while passing the S3 location of the training dataset:

# Launch a SageMaker Training job by passing s3 path of the training data{“training”: training_dataset_s3_path}, logs=True)

You can view performance metrics such as training loss and validation accuracy/loss through Amazon CloudWatch while training. You can also fetch these metrics and analyze them using TrainingJobAnalytics:

df = TrainingJobAnalytics(training_job_name=training_job_name).dataframe() #It will produce a dataframe with different metrics

The following graph shows different metrics collected from the CloudWatch log using TrainingJobAnalytics.

For more information about how to use the new SageMaker Hugging Face text classification algorithm for transfer learning on a custom dataset, deploy the fine-tuned model, run inference on the deployed model, and deploy the pre-trained model as is without first fine-tuning on a custom dataset, see the following example notebook.

Fine-tune any Hugging Face fill-mask or text classification model

SageMaker JumpStart supports the fine-tuning of any pre-trained fill-mask or text classification Hugging Face model. You can download the required model from the Hugging Face hub and perform the fine-tuning. To use these models, the model_id is provided in the hyperparameters as hub_key. See the following code:

HF_MODEL_ID = “distilbert-base-uncased” # Specify the HF_MODEL_ID here from or
hyperparameters[“hub_key”] = HF_MODEL_ID

Now you can construct an object of the Estimator class by passing the updated hyperparameters. You call .fit on the object of the Estimator class while passing the S3 location of the training dataset to perform the SageMaker training job for fine-tuning the model.

Fine-tune a model with automatic model tuning

SageMaker automatic model tuning (ATM), also known as hyperparameter tuning, finds the best version of a model by running many training jobs on your dataset using the algorithm and ranges of hyperparameters that you specify. It then chooses the hyperparameter values that result in a model that performs the best, as measured by a metric that you choose. In the following code, you use a HyperparameterTuner object to interact with SageMaker hyperparameter tuning APIs:

from sagemaker.tuner import ContinuousParameter
# Define objective metric based on which the best model will be selected.
amt_metric_definitions = {
“metrics”: [{“Name”: “val_accuracy”, “Regex”: “‘eval_accuracy’: ([0-9\.]+)”}],
“type”: “Maximize”,
# You can select from the hyperparameters supported by the model, and configure ranges of values to be searched for training the optimal model.(
hyperparameter_ranges = {
“learning_rate”: ContinuousParameter(0.00001, 0.0001, scaling_type=”Logarithmic”)
# Increase the total number of training jobs run by AMT, for increased accuracy (and training time).
max_jobs = 6
# Change parallel training jobs run by AMT to reduce total training time, constrained by your account limits.
# if max_jobs=max_parallel_jobs then Bayesian search turns to Random.
max_parallel_jobs = 2

After you have defined the arguments for the HyperparameterTuner object, you pass it the Estimator and start the training. This will find the best-performing model.

Perform batch inference with the Hugging Face text classification algorithm

If the goal of inference is to generate predictions from a trained model on a large dataset where minimizing latency isn’t a concern, then the batch inference functionality may be most straightforward, more scalable, and more appropriate.

Batch inference is useful in the following scenarios:

Preprocess datasets to remove noise or bias that interferes with training or inference from your dataset
Get inference from large datasets
Run inference when you don’t need a persistent endpoint
Associate input records with inferences to assist the interpretation of results

For running batch inference in this use case, you first download the SST2 dataset locally. Remove the class label from it and upload it to Amazon S3 for batch inference. You create the object of Model class without providing the endpoint and create the batch transformer object from it. You use this object to provide batch predictions on the input data. See the following code:

batch_transformer = model.transformer(

input_path, content_type=”text/csv”, split_type=”Line”


After you run batch inference, you can compare the predication accuracy on the SST2 dataset.


In this post, we discussed the SageMaker Hugging Face text classification algorithm. We provided example code to perform transfer learning on a custom dataset using a pre-trained model in network isolation using this algorithm. We also provided the functionality to use any Hugging Face fill-mask or text classification model for inference and transfer learning. Lastly, we used batch inference to run inference on large datasets. For more information, check out the example notebook.

About the authors

Hemant Singh is an Applied Scientist with experience in Amazon SageMaker JumpStart. He got his master’s from Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences and B.Tech from IIT Delhi. He has experience in working on a diverse range of machine learning problems within the domain of natural language processing, computer vision, and time series analysis.

Rachna Chadha is a Principal Solutions Architect AI/ML in Strategic Accounts at AWS. Rachna is an optimist who believes that the ethical and responsible use of AI can improve society in the future and bring economic and social prosperity. In her spare time, Rachna likes spending time with her family, hiking, and listening to music.

Dr. Ashish Khetan is a Senior Applied Scientist with Amazon SageMaker built-in algorithms and helps develop machine learning algorithms. He got his PhD from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. He is an active researcher in machine learning and statistical inference, and has published many papers in NeurIPS, ICML, ICLR, JMLR, ACL, and EMNLP conferences.
